Things I wish I knew at 35 (now that I’m 48)

I wrote this on my 48th birthday. Feeling lonely and stronger, saying. It’s a time to reflect.
I am compelled to pass on a little about what I have now learned.
My first life coach in The Dominican Republic who transformed my life and took me out of the drugs world called me a seagull. That archetype represents leadership, I can be a seagull for two reasons, either I am a leader who does not recognize my leadership and how great and capable I am, or I am a leader who flies alone. The decision is on me. That is why I am in the place that I want to be.
Focus with or without chemical or natural medication becoming useful.
All this stuff about finding happiness and doing what I am passionate about is a distraction.
Focus on building my value to the world. Sure experiment with lots of stuff first, but gradually begin focusing on being great at less.
Happiness will spring out of my sense of contribution.
Start putting money aside.
When it seems like you have all the time in the world, saving money seems pointless. Invest it all and takes all the credit that you can get.
But you will thank your younger self for putting away a little cash into a savings fund — because that shit fucking grows and accumulates fast.
Create that account, then make it impossible to take money out.
We don’t need ‘fixing.’
Ignore people who say you need to work on your issues. Let them know that they are losing their time telling you what is right and what is wrong
There’s nothing wrong with us.
Thinking I have baggage and trauma keeps me in fear and limits me.
Instead, I am focused and concentrated on creating experiences, making others happy, and building cool things. Being kind, patient, and graceful with the people around me.
Society wants us weak and depressed. So, they can keep us in their trap. Get freedom.
There is more wisdom in us than in the crowd. Just if we believe in ourselves.
The next result of tuning into what the masses want for us is depression and a one-way ticket to the loser space.
Follow what we know is right and ignore trends.
Don’t believe anything mainstream or marketing campaign.’
Mainstream media marketing is nothing more than entertainment designed to make us fearful so that we depend on them for solutions. If you don't believe that, start reading all the product labels and analyze each front and headline.
The only advice or motivation I ever get is from my real friends and the happy people who are doing well. Schools, the news, dietary advice, mainstream entertainment, marketing, and salespeople — all clueless. Buy what you need and the crisis will despair from your mind.
Don’t become dependent on stimulants. I always say that the less we need, the freer we are. Talking about personal experience.
Stimulant addiction plays a major role in this, and will severely limit yourself, even seemingly inconsequential and ‘accepted’ forms of stimulation like Adderall, Ritalin, porn, sugar, cocaine, caffeine, nicotine, and video games.
Enjoy them occasionally if you need them, but never get dependent.
Focus on making others happy. We live in a narcissistic culture. They will not appreciate it.
We must fight against this hubristic trend that will inevitably lead to its downfall. We will win, regardless of the chaos, WHEN WE LET GO OF OURSELVES and focus on improving the lives of others.
Emotional control is our most important skill.
There’s no better way to ensure a terrible life when we struggle to manage our emotions.
We have work to do if we fly into a rage at a triggering. This kind of thing can ruin our entire life.
Developing the habit of remaining calm is the most important skill we can nurture.
Start becoming exceptional at one thing. While everyone else is running around trying hundreds of things and never getting good at any one thing,
let’s be different. Diversify our experiences and our skills, yes.
But don’t sacrifice becoming a master at any one thing in the process.
The world lacks focused expertise, whether in fixing phones, computers, networking, security, marketing, writing, or sales. This will get you far. Trust no one, but be gracious.
Trusting no one doesn’t mean you’re a sociopath, it means we protect our time, energy, and resources.
We needn’t grow bitter. We can be pleasant and courteous, but we can never assume trust from anyone. That’s ok.
My first life coach in The Dominican Republic who transformed my life and took me out of the drugs world called me a seagull. That archetype represents leadership, I can be a seagull for two reasons, either I am a leader who does not recognize my leadership and how great and capable I am, or I am a leader who flies alone. The decision is on me. That is why I am in the place that I want to be.
Focus with or without chemical or natural medication becoming useful.
All this stuff about finding happiness and doing what I am passionate about is a distraction.
Focus on building my value to the world. Sure experiment with lots of stuff first, but gradually begin focusing on being great at less.
Happiness will spring out of my sense of contribution.
Start putting money aside.
When it seems like you have all the time in the world, saving money seems pointless. Invest it all and takes all the credit that you can get.
But you will thank your younger self for putting away a little cash into a savings fund — because that shit fucking grows and accumulates fast.
Create that account, then make it impossible to take money out.
We don’t need ‘fixing.’
Ignore people who say you need to work on your issues. Let them know that they are losing their time telling you what is right and what is wrong
There’s nothing wrong with us.
Thinking I have baggage and trauma keeps me in fear and limits me.
Instead, I am focused and concentrated on creating experiences, making others happy, and building cool things. Being kind, patient, and graceful with the people around me.
Society wants us weak and depressed. So, they can keep us in their trap. Get freedom.
There is more wisdom in us than in the crowd. Just if we believe in ourselves.
The next result of tuning into what the masses want for us is depression and a one-way ticket to the loser space.
Follow what we know is right and ignore trends.
Don’t believe anything mainstream or marketing campaign.’
Mainstream media marketing is nothing more than entertainment designed to make us fearful so that we depend on them for solutions. If you don't believe that, start reading all the product labels and analyze each front and headline.
The only advice or motivation I ever get is from my real friends and the happy people who are doing well. Schools, the news, dietary advice, mainstream entertainment, marketing, and salespeople — all clueless. Buy what you need and the crisis will despair from your mind.
Don’t become dependent on stimulants. I always say that the less we need, the freer we are. Talking about personal experience.
Stimulant addiction plays a major role in this, and will severely limit yourself, even seemingly inconsequential and ‘accepted’ forms of stimulation like Adderall, Ritalin, porn, sugar, cocaine, caffeine, nicotine, and video games.
Enjoy them occasionally if you need them, but never get dependent.
Focus on making others happy. We live in a narcissistic culture. They will not appreciate it.
We must fight against this hubristic trend that will inevitably lead to its downfall. We will win, regardless of the chaos, WHEN WE LET GO OF OURSELVES and focus on improving the lives of others.
Emotional control is our most important skill.
There’s no better way to ensure a terrible life when we struggle to manage our emotions.
We have work to do if we fly into a rage at a triggering. This kind of thing can ruin our entire life.
Developing the habit of remaining calm is the most important skill we can nurture.
Start becoming exceptional at one thing. While everyone else is running around trying hundreds of things and never getting good at any one thing,
let’s be different. Diversify our experiences and our skills, yes.
But don’t sacrifice becoming a master at any one thing in the process.
The world lacks focused expertise, whether in fixing phones, computers, networking, security, marketing, writing, or sales. This will get you far. Trust no one, but be gracious.
Trusting no one doesn’t mean you’re a sociopath, it means we protect our time, energy, and resources.
We needn’t grow bitter. We can be pleasant and courteous, but we can never assume trust from anyone. That’s ok.
Humans aren’t perfect, but we must remain rational and careful at every step.
Stop stopping. Few are capable of finishing what they start.
They get excited about some novelty, but the excitement soon wears off and they’re on to the next shiny thing. Reps in anything will compound. So we must find strength in staying with boredom.
Consistency is then inevitable, which lies at the heart of true success. Don’t make decisions that could trap you for decades. If there’s a chance you could make a very costly decision, avoid making it.
If we’re willing to deal with the worst possible outcome, then, by all means, let go for it.
But if we understand of what we’re getting into is even 5% hazy, steer clear.
Train our body and mind.
Getting healthy shouldn’t be a habit you start in your thirties., others in their forties or even fifties, It begins now. Live in the present.
Not only will our older bodies thank us for training and eating well, but we will spend our twenties, thirties, forties, and fifties feeling x4 better than everyone else.
We will also gain a massive advantage over our hungover and anxious comrades.
Leave home. If leaving our home town or country makes us nervous, that’s even more reason to do it.
Travel shaped my character like little else, and I’m so grateful for spending most of my twenties, thirties, and forties living far from and overseas.
We aren’t free if we can’t stomach the idea of being geographically flexible, especially in this chaotic world.
I’ve collected adventures and friendships across the globe, and this serves me and the man I am today.
Things I wish I knew at 35 (now that I’m 48)
Reviewed by Hernani Del Giudice
December 27, 2022

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